If You Give A Dad An iPhone


My mother has been using an iPhone for the past few years. She gets it. She knows how to use her email and knows how to send a text message. You know? She gets the basics.

Recently she upgraded to a newer version and she gave her old phone to my dad. I'm not sure if you felt the endothermic reaction that took place recently in hell, but in the blink of an eye my 81 year old father has entered the world of text messaging, and hell has apparently frozen over.

Take a peek at the screenshot. I had the privilege of sharing the first text message with my father. It was nothing special, just a nine hour conversation that covered the basics. We'll keep working on it. :)

Quietly making noise,

Andy Fletcher

Andy "Fletch" Fletcher has been married to Kendra for more than 30 years. He is a proud father to 5 sons, 3 daughters, but has added a few more kids by marriage and now a few grandchildren who call him Pops.
During the day he can be found fixing people's teeth, but the rest of the time you can find him smoking a pipe, enjoying a cup of coffee, riding a motorcycle or hanging out with his loyal black lab, Champ.
Enjoy everything you see on theMangoTimes from this Jesus-loving, wife-smooching, dog-walking, pipe-smoking, mountain-hiking positive guy as he quietly makes some noise.


I Love Having Sons


Where There's A Will